Initiators: GG (Alex), msfew (Suning), TEE Intern in Jan. 2025 Contributor: Rena Labs

🥏 Quick Start

🤔 What are TEEs?

🔧 Projects

🤺 What You Should Know

📖 Open Source Repos

📖 Articles

📺 Videos

📑 Papers

🤖 Types of TEEs

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🧠 About TEE Bible

Welcome to TEE Bible, your comprehensive guide to understanding Trusted Execution Environments in crypto.

Curated by GG (Alex), msfew, TEE Intern, and Rena Labs, this resource brings you essential knowledge about TEEs.


Pro Tip: TEE isn’t just a tech—it’s the backbone of trust in crypto. Stay curious and happy reading!

🤔 What are TEEs?

A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is a secure area within a device’s main processor that provides an isolated environment for executing sensitive code and storing critical data, ensuring confidentiality and integrity by protecting against tampering or access from the main operating system and unauthorized applications.

TEE is like a secret, super-safe zone inside a computer’s brain, where important things, like keeping secrets (passwords or keys) and performing secure tasks (i.e. special math for security), happen without anyone else being able to peek inside or interfere.

🔧 Projects

TEE Projects

🤺 What You Should Know



📖 Open Source Repos

Blockchain and Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs)

Confidential Computing

Development SDKs and Tools

Research and Experimental Platforms

Cloud and Enterprise Use Cases